Reliable Resource & Back Office Solutions for Cotton Market

Bobby Walton, the founder of Walcot Trading Company, began trading cotton in 1971 with one of the largest cotton firms, Geo. H. McFadden & Bro. Over the next 15 years, Bobby's trading experience increased, and he became vice president and manager of the Texas operations responsible for Texas cotton purchasing and sales worldwide.
Inspirational Journey

In 1984, Bobby joined Volkart, Taylor, Cooper, a Swiss-owned commodities firm in Dallas, Texas. He assumed the responsibilities of sales and hedges in New York for U.S. operations. In 1989, with an opportunity to return to Memphis, he joined another Swiss commodities firm, Stahel (America), Inc., as President responsible for all USA cotton operations.

The Evolution

Walcot Trading Company, founded in 1997, occupied a small upstairs room of a historic building at 90 South Front Street in Memphis, Tennessee. Trading began with mixed recaps of cotton from Texas, Memphis, Arizona, California, and Georgia.
Today, Walcot Trading Company is based in Memphis and maintains office contacts across the United States in significant cotton-producing and consuming areas. Furthermore, we represent customers in other parts of the world, including Europe, Mexico, and China.
Business Expansion

During the past decade, Walcot Trading Company has taken many positive steps to expand our business for customers, from trading recaps of all cotton varieties, including organic cotton for import, to organic cotton yarn for textile mills in the United States and Central America.
We are very proud of our success with our suppliers and buyers. We feel that one of the keys to our success is the integrity we have with all of our customers around the globe, helping their business succeed.